Thursday, April 14, 2011

Of Late, I...

  1. have been paying attention.
  2. depend on my fingers.
  3. love notebooks
  4. hate computers
  5. purchased an instant camera
  6. kicked a chair when I discovered the camera's battery is dead.
  7. cried a little, over nothing in particular.
  8. laughed a bit, over everything that doesn't work.
  9. turned left at a sign that read, "Right Turn Only".
  10. flew an imaginary plane 'cross a library hall.
  11. pretended not to care about things that really made me want to fold up like a clam.
  12. shushed my dog when he barked.
  13. bruised my hip on a doorknob that wasn't there two seconds prior.
  14. made a decision.
  15. had a horrible nightmare.
  16. wrote a poem.
  17. played at Velour.
  18. have been oddly generous.
  19. talked to myself.
  20. wished I wasn't so quiet sometimes.
  21. held my breath.
  22. listened a little better.
  23. want an accordian.
  24. needed more silence than usual.
  25. made excuses.
  26. wrapped my pinky in scotch tape.
  27. purposely poured water on the floor.
  28. spent money I don't have.
  29. forgave the undeserving.
  30. regret saying that.

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