Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 2

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

   What mom thought up this dreary prompt? I'll try to keep it interesting.
   The biggest problem with this writing prompt is that I haven't the slightest idea of where to begin. The "quarter-life crisis" that I am continually referring to is exactly the problem that I don't know what to do with my life. I don't know nearly as much about myself as I should in order to determine where I would like to be in ten years. I'll be 26. That's fairly young and I'll still be slightly stupid (but steadily growing out of my idiocy). By then, I hope I'm not married. Heaven help us all if I end up with a husband at that age. I'd like to be educated a lot more than I am right now. No one likes incompetent adults. I would like to do something that I'm good at and that I enjoy. As far as career options go, I'm beyond clueless. There are so many things that sound interesting, but none seem so interesting that I'd want to study it for four years and then make a career out of it. To be honest, I keep getting the creeping suspicion that I want to be a teacher. There isn't another occupation for which I have a higher respect, but imagining myself as an educator is a terrifying thought. Perhaps the reason I'm afraid of teaching is because I respect and value my teachers so much. I worry that I wouldn't be able to do anything close to what they've done or have nearly the same influence.
    Also, I hope I'm not bald or dead.

P.S. I hope you'll forgive me, friends. I was gone all day yesterday and couldn't post in time. Strike one and it's only the second post of the 30 day challenge. I'll be gone all day tomorrow, too. Oh dear. Wish me luck, kids. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1

  **Disclaimer: the following text contains more sarcasm than is funny and advocates feminism.**

Day 1: Your current relationship. If single, discuss how the single life is.

   This is arguably the worst prompt I've ever been subjected to. "When was the War of 1812?" is a close second. That's alright, I suppose. It was my idea to do a 30 day challenge anyway.
   I'm about as single as a kid could get and I love it. Why that matters in the slightest, I don't know, but evidently relationships are important. I don't understand why people care. Perhaps I don't care because I view high school romances as a waste of time. Two people are in love because Facebook says so? I think not. But, wait a minute! That would mean that most high school relationships are based on infatuation and not eternal love! What?? Does this mean that teenagers are still overpowered by their hormones everyday?!
   In other news, water is wet.

   Not only do I not care about dating at all, but I'm disgusted by how many girls see it as a priority. Heaven forbid, these psychos whom I call peers could pause and understand their potential as an individual. The worst of it is that this mentality doesn't exist only in the high school setting, it's everywhere. Women who support themselves and don't feel the need to engage in "husband-hunting" are continually degraded and frowned upon by our barbaric society. I can't stand that some consider it to be an "alternative lifestyle" for women to be single. There's nothing wrong with a woman who not only wears the pants in the family, but also is the homemaker. So many women are running around dependent on a man to do everything for them. Whatever happened to women with ambition? Where are the ladies who were striving to be politicians? Who is going to pave the way for women in a man's world? For 200 years we've been fighting for women's rights and now girls are deciding to be stupid and throw themselves around like drunk prostitutes. That's nice. While you're at it, why don't see if you can bring back slavery? Stupid, stupid, stupid!
   To be fair to the dating game however, I'm very bad at it. Surely there isn't another person on this planet who is more oblivious or obtuse to a pressing flirtation than me. Regardless, I'm happy to stay independent. Personally, I think people obsessed with dating in high school are in the midst of an identity crisis and need the attention of everyone on the planet in order to feel important. This sounds like all of the teenage girl crap that I can't relate to. I don't understand girls, I don't understand boys, and I really don't care. 

P.S. I have lovely things to say about my relationships with fictional characters (well constructed characters like Hamlet and Marius, not Edward or Jacob). That post is for another day, probably when I get another horrible prompt.

Whit Happens

Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm late for a dinner date with a stylin' communist

   I've been thinking a lot lately; so much in fact that my head is tumbling through nothingness and I've developed an exasperating throb in my left temple. Even though my quarter-life disaster is waning, I'm still concerned as to where exactly I'll be just five years from now.  I am slightly concerned that I'll end up sleeping in one of Andrea's cabinets and still roaming the kitchen while listening to Spotify as I make crappy grilled cheese sandwiches. It's a mildly scary thought.
   Other than that, there's not much more to say. I have books to get back to.

P.S. I have stolen this from a friend's blog and fully intend to use it. Get ready for writing commitment.

   Oh, and no, the title of this post has nothing to do with its contents. Deal with it.

Whit Happens