Saturday, June 11, 2011

Meditation, Sweet 16, Garage Sales, and Other Things That Do Not Match

     If you ask me, I have the best meditation spot in all of Utah. But, you didn't ask me, can think you're spot is better. That's cool. 

My place of Zen. Not bad for a picture from my phone, eh?

     I went hiking today, if that wasn't already evident. Other than the fact that I forgot to take my joint medicine, it was quite relieving. Despite how much I don't like nature most of the time, it's nice to get out every once in a while. The desire to lay out a mat and do yoga 'till the sun set was so incredibly tempting. Really, that was the most delicious idea I'd had all day.                 
     Today's hike has made me so stoked for my "Sweet 16". If you don't already know my beef with Sweet 16's, I'll give you the basic spiel now. I simply don't understand what is so grand about turning 16. Congratulations, you can drive without your mom. So what?! When I turn 21, THEN we'll party, yeah? Yeah. Okay. Now you understand.
      My plans for my Sweet 16? We'll be starting our hike at 1:00 a.m. to ensure we get to the top by sunrise. Once at the top, yoga and meditation with the sunrise will follow suit. I'm a quirky child, I don't need you to tell me, I already know. I'd love to see someone with a better Sweet 16 than me (feel free to accept that challenge).  I'm so excited, you have no idea. 



      I hit up a garage sale this morning as well. After asking my mom for 50 cents (I'm broke, okay?), I purchased a lovely teddy bear. You're never too old for teddy bears, I don't care what anyone says. I still sleep with one (along with my other odd sleeping attire, but that's for a different post) and you probably do too. Stuffed animals are just things of joy, which is precisely why I plan on sleeping with one for the rest of my life. I want to hit up garage sales every Saturday morning. Who wants to drive me? 

Teddy Bear I purchased for 50 cents. Best deal ever.

      So, children, what have we learned today? Sweet 16's are the dumbest thing on earth (right under Snuggies), my meditation spot is better than yours, garage sales are the best (right above getting good grades), and teddy bears are your best friends (other than me). 
      Also, I really love parentheses (this is just in case you have noticed my latest obsession). 

Whit Happens

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