Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Too Shall Pass

     I have no desire to go outside. I still wear hoodies, though it's summer. I still wear jeans because I never get too warm in an air conditioned house. I still don't wear shoes because I never wear shoes.

     I have no desire to pick up my guitar and strum and hum the blues like I used to. She stays in the case where I admire her from a distance. She stays in the corner and collects dust as I spit excuses as to why I can't play her. She stays there to keep me company in my room for one.

     I have no desire to write. I won't scribble poems in the margins of my notebooks. I won't fill up ridiculous amounts of memory on my phone texting letters to people who aren't here. I won't type my life to a blog that used to be my best friend.

     I have no desire to move. I lay about doing nothing in particular. I lay in bed trying to take a nap, though I took one just minutes prior. I lay on the floor listening to vinyl that's been played hundreds of times that day.

     I could tell you what I don't want, but not what I actually do want.

     I should tell you that this will pass over.

     I won't.

     But, now I've contradicted this whole post.

     Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed or anything like that. Never. I don't know what it is, this lost motivation of mine. Let it be boredom, let it be exhaustion. Whatever it is, let it be.

Whit Happens

1 comment:

  1. What you need is motivation, and you've lost it.
    You aren't motivated to play quiter, write this blog, or do anything in general.
    Just go outside and take a chance, you won't regret it.

    Cheers, MarkL
