Friday, May 13, 2011

Super Senior...Yes? No? Maybe?

Remember that whole 30 day challenge? Yeah, me neither.

I'll pick it up again when summer begins. It's not that I haven't had anything to blog about; I've had  a lot to say, I just haven't had the time. I shouldn't say that I don't have the time. I do, I just make excuses to not blog. If it's any consolation, I have a long, long list of potential blog posts saved in my drafts. I'll get around to them eventually. For now, I'm stopping the challenge. There's too much going on for my blog to be my first priority: such as school.

School is insane, but I love it. I used to say that I always felt that I needed to graduate this year. Perhaps I said that because I have a lot of friends who are graduating and moving away this year. I have a slight fear of being left alone. That's a lie, it's a huge fear. I felt that I needed to graduate or I'd lose contact with everyone who's leaving. Admittedly, I think that will happen with most of them. How unfortunate. Regardless, my perspective has changed a little bit. My friend, Emily, and I are seriously considering being Super Seniors: someone who stays an extra year in high school. Essentially, it's repeating the 12th grade. We were talking about it today and we could organize our schedules so that we barely don't have enough credits to graduate and then take both high school classes and college classes during our last year. I don't know, is it a bad idea? I really think it'd be better for both of us, especially considering how we seem to be the ONLY ONES WHO ARE PLANNING ON PAYING FOR COLLEGE! What the heck? We've talked to so many kids whose parents have their college paid for. Yeah, that's a great way to prepare your kid for the real world. Anyway, I'm just looking for feedback. I view it as a way to give yourself just an extra year to save for college and prepare. Others view it as a fear of moving on, which I'm not, I just think it'd be fun. Am I just going through a phase? I don't know. What do you think? I have a lot of time to think it over. I guess we'll see.

Sorry this post is so poorly written. I'm just vomiting my train of thought onto a keyboard and making it somewhat legible. I'll do better next time.

Pinky promise.

1 comment:

  1. PROS: you get to graduate with ME (the most amazing person you'll ever meet that's younger than you) and you and me can suffer through student loans and scholarship essays together (because my parents are... my parents)and we might be able to ROOM TOGETHER AT COLLEGE. also, more time for you and me to make music and finally write a song.

    it'd kind of suck.
    and you'll have to be in the smelly high school for an extra year. and for what? "glory"? "commodity"? ... Ok, well you're definitely not the type that would do something like this for glory per se, but STILL.... :P super seniority would bite just a bit.
    meh, i dunno
    gotta admit though, it'd be pretty sweet if we graduated together :D
