Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love, I Fear I've Burned Out


     I haven't posted in a long while. Unless you count two days ago, which I don't, because it was horribly written. I think I've burned out. I have no energy nor any desire to do anything. I'm tired all the time, I feel sick all the time, and everyone's existence is annoying me.
     Don't worry, it's not you, it's me.
     I can't write, though I have ideas. They end up getting lost in my mind. Of late, I can't seem to articulate my thoughts at all, let alone type them up nicely.
     Writing is exhausting if you're doing it right, no matter how talented of a writer you are.

     Realizations that are irritating me (I have to write something today...):  <-- inadvertent frown.

  • I make annoying sounds when I'm bored.
  • I cringe when I step into sunlight.
  • I put Twitter on my phone to trick my brain into thinking I get texted a lot.
  • I carry around an annoying, little notebook in my back pocket.
  • I wear ear plugs in my house.
  • I occasionally take off my glasses just because I'm tired of the heavy frames slipping off my face.
  • I write letters to people that aren't here.
  • I hate that I still log onto Facebook.
  • I purposely ignore people most of the time.
  • I like to think I am clever.
  • I clench my jaw when I type.
  • I get so angry when Bruno Mars pops up in my Pandora stations.
  • I know that I'm allergic to a metal in necklace chains, but I continue to wear them.

     My brain is fried.
     This computer screen dries my eyes.
     Love, I have burned out. Enjoy the blank pages.

Whit Happens


  1. Hey, I found you on DifferentIsCool, I think.
    Anyways, you're not the only one with this problem.
    I had a post like this about 2 weeks ago (called SO Many Things) and I realized something.
    I realized that you should only write when you're in the mood for it.
    Blogging isn't supposed to be stressful or hard or anything.
    It should just be you, with some good music on, a good mood, and plenty of ideas.
    Sometimes we lose sight of ow things should be done or why we do them, at least that's what happened to me.
    And if you're just in a bad mood, then do the things that make you happy.
    Listen to some good music like Bob Marley, or One Republic's latest album "Waking Up" in which they have a great song called Good Life.
    At least that's what I would do.
    If music doesn't do it for you, then talk your feelings out with a close friend or relative.
    If you're not in the mood to write, then don't.
    If you've got write's block for a blog then don't write and let it pass.
    Nobody is ruing you to write a post, and if you're doing that to yourself then I think it's ridiculous.
    Anyways, that's my thought on the topic at hand.

    Cheers, MarkL

  2. By "ruing" I meant to say "rushing".
